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Mornings are for Walking

by | Jul 17, 2023 | Open Leadership

Mornings are for Walking

Mornings are for walking?

Well, they are for me this summer.

The reason for this is an unusual one, my active clients this year are almost entirely in the Americas, so between 5 and 8 hours behind the London time zone. This means that I “time shift” my day somewhat, hence my mornings are normally free. Add to this that I generally seek to keep Monday mornings and Friday afternoons free of calls and meetings, then this Monday morning is definitely “for walking”.

Of course, I love to meet people to walk, listen, and exchange ideas, so I am very happy that at 10 am this morning I’m meeting a “dormant” client (my clients are for life, whether actively engaged or not) for a nice long and meandering walk over an area of the North Downs where we have, in the past, had many “walking meetings” when we were working on taking them and their business to the next level. Today I look forward to hearing the latest on their thriving and growing business and life!

Why share this? Well, as I said, I always enjoy walking, people and ideas, so if you would like to set up a “walk and talk” with me and can get to the North Downs (at the Southern edge of Greater London) on a weekday morning, do be in touch.