From the edge of the country to the heart of the city in 50 minutes. I’m lucky.
In yesterday’s post I remarked on how important it feels to me to “Appreciate the little things”, mentioning the simple joy I take of walking down this tree-lined path on the short walk from my door to the railway platform.
So today am sharing a photo of that path. I took it the other evening at 6pm, one minute after walking out of my door, after which I found myself walking in the door of the Fox and Anchor pub in Farringdon, central London at 6:50. From the edge of the country to the heart of the city in 50 minutes. I’m lucky.
Oh, and tomorrow I’ll tell you about the person I met at that pub, our first time meeting in twenty years, and someone who made a massive difference to me in beginning my focus on self-awareness, a shift that has changed my life in many ways since.