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Coaching Mindset and Belief

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Open Leadership

Coaching Mindset and Belief

This week I had a deep and enriching conversation with a friend, part of which had me recognise anew that one of the core outcomes for clients of coaching is BELIEF.

In every new Coaching or Mentoring relationship, I explain what I refer to as “Five Management Skills” see this post. In explaining the five skills of Coaching, Facilitation, Mentoring, Training and Consulting, I also note that whatever it is they ask of me (eg sometimes they may want to be told, ie Consulting), I always come from a Coaching Mindset, by which I mean this:

Coaching Mindset = Belief that the Client has the Answers

A relationship where the Coach comes from that place will infuse their approach, their listening, and then the questions they ask. Of even more importance, is the space of trust that is created has within it that firmly held belief in the client.

From that approach being “at source” for the coach, the inevitable outcome is that the client builds ever-increasing self-belief.

This is a brief post that seeks to concisely capture a thought. Beyond these brief thoughts, there are very rich conversations to have. I am always very happy to connect and talk with you if this post inspires you to do so, you can book a call in moments here.