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What is a “micro-break”?

by | May 17, 2022 | Open Leadership, Storytelling


View of the beach at Broadstairs in Kent from my restaurant table. And..relax

Normal (for what that means!) posts will be resumed tomorrow, but for today, a geeky attempt at humour.

Living in the Cayman Islands for so much of my adult life, I first heard the phrase “mini-break” a number of years ago from, you may have guessed, a London friend. I learned that the idea was to take a few nights away from the big city, but not a full-blown vacation.

On Sunday I spent one night away from London on the Kent Coast. This was my first night away from home this year, what with a bit of a medical event taking up my last two months or so (ha!). In fact, the idea for the night away was largely linked to marking that. I feel almost totally recovered from surgery so, prior to starting chemo tablets next week, I felt a very short break was exactly what was called for.

But, you may ask, is one night away long enough to be defined as a “mini-break”? I decided not and that a new term is needed, the “micro-break”. I, therefore, bring you my new set of (tongue in cheek!) definitions:

  • Micro-break – one night away.
  • Mini-break – two (or maybe three) nights away.
  • Break – four (or maybe five) nights away/
  • Vacation (or Holiday if you are from the UK) – 6 or more nights away.

Micro-break top tip, do it on a Sunday night, then you can enter the mindset while at home from Friday night but without actually leaving until, say, Sunday morning. You then take Monday off with all the benefits that also brings.

Oh, and the other reason for doing this on a Sunday for me was that I decided on short notice. Just try getting a reservation at any high-quality restaurant within “micro-break” distance of London on a Saturday night. No chance, hence Sunday.