I nearly used an image of my Wordle effort from today as a follow on from yesterday’s post “I find being patient hard sometimes“, where I shared my poor effort as an example of how I was struggling that day. Any slightly astute reader (and all my regular readers are astute, naturally!) could see I was feeling down yesterday.
This morning, though, what a difference a day can make! I did indeed fly to a Wordle solution in three lines, as well as a Nerdle one in three lines too (a first for me).
Why the change? As with any ups and downs in our feelings, it can be difficult to pinpoint what creates the shift, but perhaps sharing my day yesterday may have a couple of thoughts of value.
To begin, every year for the last several years I have joined a dear (English) friend on the other side of London to watch the Scotland vs England Rugby match in a pub. This year they invited me to first come to watch their old Rugby Club play a match before moving into their clubhouse to watch Scotland vs England. Prior to the rugby, though, we met at a railway station in the area and took a thirty-five-minute walk across to the ground. This was a great start, as before the end of last year my friend was laid up in great pain with their back, allied to which they have a historical knee injury. To see them walk with ease that distance was great.
As we arrived at the venerable old club facility, they noted with some pride how their club has been rebuilding after the difficulties small rugby clubs have faced with loss of players, particularly during the pandemic, and how they now have been able to play their games at a fantastic and venerable club facility in their area.
All that said, though, the club had not yet won a match all season. Perhaps I was a good luck charm (!), but they came back from two tries down and won with great focus and composure. We then moved into the old clubhouse. As you can imagine, once the players got changed and came in, the atmosphere was one of great celebration.
Everyone then turned to the TV to watch Scotland vs England. Yes, I am a Scotland supporter, but more than anything I love Rugby and the Six Nations in particular. Both teams gave their all for every second of the game and Scotland narrowly won. My friend has been my good luck charm, as after a run of 24 losses in 27 years and 9 in a row through 2017, in the five years we have watched the game together Scotland have now won three times, drawn once, lost only once!
Anyway, having left the house after 12 to head across town for all of this, around 7 we made that same walk back to the railway station and I trundled home slowly across the slow weekend train network, recognising that my mood had shifted, plus with a lot of fresh air and excitement I know I would sleep soundly.
I guess what I needed was simply to get outside and out of my environment, plus to adopt an “attitude of gratitude”, to be grateful for everything coming my way. Yes, even that the delay on a return train meant I could pop into a shop near the station and get a favourite treat of a soft drink for the train ride home.
I hope your Sunday goes as well as a three-line Wordle 🙂