Inspired by my friend Chip Conley and a recent “Wisdom Well” post that he wrote simply called “The 10 Wisest Books I know”, here are eight books I feel provide me with wisdom in and through life’s journey. As I reflect on this list, I sense themes permeated through them such as Awareness, Presence, Connection, Love. I hope at least one of these books brings wisdom and meaning for you:
Man’s Search for Meaning ~ Viktor Frankl
Chip and I bonded fast and easily when we met, including over the fact that this book is the absolute #1 “Wisest book” for both of us. Anytime I may think to myself “I can’t do that because..” I remind myself that I always have a choice. As soon as I am in a place of choice, whatever choice I make, it is from a different place than when I feel I have no choice.
The Alchemist ~Paolo Coelho
Our greatest treasure is always within us and this book is a treasure. I am overdue re-reading it, something I have normally done once a year, always finding new perspectives from the story and the words of Coelho. For example, on the journey to being fully and completely present, this quote: “The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
The Four Agreements ~ Don Miguel Ruiz
The first of the four agreements in this short yet powerful book is: “Be Impeccable with your Word”. Two thoughts always come to me from this book. First, that the deeper meaning of that first agreement is to always be of integrity, always be true to yourself. Second, the other three agreements are there to support the first one. Simple, concise, four rules to live by.
One Thought Changes Everything ~ Mara Gleeson
A number of years ago a friend, with great patience, supported me over a few months in gaining my own understanding of Three Principles (captured beautifully by Michael Neill here). The three principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought are to be understood, a journey of a lifetime, though once one feels and senses clarity of our own understanding of these that is the level at which they have power for us. Mara Gleeson’s book is a wonderful introduction to support one’s understanding.
Forty Rules of Love ~Elif Shafak
At one level this book by the prodigious and brilliant author and activist Elif Shafak is almost a simplistic romance novel. It is, however, so much more than that. She uses the powerful emotional heart of the surface story to then anchor forty rules of love dating back many centuries to the eternal love story of Rumi and Shams Al-Tabriz.
On Connection ~ Kae Tempest
As soon as I read a line from this book: “Connection is the feeling of landing in the present tense“, I knew I had to not read but listen to Kae read this book-length essay. They are simply a genius, their way of connecting to what it means to be human and be with our fellow humans is truly powerful.
The Little Prince ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“Make your life a dream, and a dream, a reality”. Dream big, Live big. We only have this one life.
Love in the time of cholera ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I am an unabashed romantic, “a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical considerations”, though at the same time as a “recovering accountant”, I balance this with pragmatism and a desire to make dreams tangible and to achieve them. In “Leadership: Romance, Life in Full Colour and Magical Reality” I wrote about this and what it means for me, including the novels in the “magical realism” style brilliantly created by Garcia Marquez