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See the beauty of all before you

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Open Leadership


Yesterday, Sunday, I took the train to Saint Pancras station, enjoying the walk through and then past the entrance to the magnificent station hotel there. I then crossed Euston Road and walked south past block after block of unremarkable “mansion” blocks as I walked through the university and hospital area into Bloomsbury.

As I walked, though, it was with some child-like anticipation as I knew that the cityscape would suddenly change as the Brunswick building appeared. I then stopped to take the picture above of this, one of my favourite buildings in London, in all of its brutalist beauty.

I then went into the fabulous Curzon cinema at the Brunswick, full of small screening rooms, taking in a three-hour masterpiece, “Drive my Car”, a gloriously slow-paced and simple film that I enjoyed every moment of.

As I left the cinema, I felt a sense of quietude as well as gratefulness for seeing and feeling Beauty.

This quote some it up for me, and I will focus on this as a mantra for presence this year.

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you.

The future will take care of itself.

Paramahansa Yogananda