Follow your purpose and commit to being a force of nature.
I do really love Twitter for engaging with and learning from people. Today something shared by Pat Kane, one time 1980s pop star, but not for many years a deep thinker and passionate and pro-independence Scot (hmm, I resemble that remark!).
Pat shared this George Bernard Shaw quote from the oddest of places, from, well, Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum when he appeared on the Steven Colbert Show and Steven asked him: “how does Jeff Goldblum stay inspired?”, to which Jeff responded by quoting the GBS passage verbatim. Jeff, you are indeed a force of nature, always be you and #BeMoreYou!
I absolutely agreed with GBS, to follow one’s purpose and commit to being that force of nature, this is always a source of inspiration for self, and (one hopes) for others.
Oh, and before sharing the one-minute video clip, hat tip to my dear, dear friend Rosie von Lila, who I always refer to as a force of nature, and to point people towards the series of four interviews she did this summer of inspiring women leaders, hosted on my site and as a podcast under Elevating Leaders. These women will also inspire you, I guarantee it!