I am passionate about understanding what makes the difference between Good, Great and Elite, about what makes someone truly world-class in their field. I’ve spent years studying this in fields as varied as competitive swimming, professional cycling, military doctrines (theory and application), spirituality, literature and more.
I am also passionate about business and, more specifically, about business as a force for good.
I’m excited, therefore, to share with you the updated wording on my site homepage. This represents some small and subtle tweaks in wording through working with the expert team at Brand Oxygen. My aspiration is that these small polishes take the accuracy of representing who I work with and what I do from good to great and perhaps beyond in terms of brand work.
In brief, I work at any time with only a small and select group of leaders who identify strongly with the three statements on the home page. I’ll share the other two now, and if this is you, or if this sounds like someone you know who may be ready for the journey from good to great to elite, I’d love to talk.