What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.Or does it explode?
Harlem ~Langston Hughes
Before the world started to spin more slowly and I could travel to the USA, I met Ed Dugger in NYC. Ed is an inspiring human seeking to lead change in the VC world. Recently I was drawn to an article that Ed Wrote:
The Meritocracy Myth
Edward Dugger III, president of Reinventure Capital and an early pioneer in impact investing, explores the intersection between the venture capital community and racial equity.
Ed’s particular area of passion is around equity investors investing in people of colour and their businesses. He has led in this space for literally decades, yet too few people of influence are following his lead, hence once again he has founded a fund to lead in this space. As his article notes, the evidence in this space is that Meritocracy is a myth, founders of colour remain radically under-invested in.
It is therefore particularly resonant that he took as his anchor “Harlem” by Langston Hughes.
For today, I will simply pause here and leave you to consider the poem and what it may mean for yourself and those you lead and otherwise care about.