Ultimately the learning is to “follow the energy”, to create the opportunity and see who is energised, who makes the effort to connect and to meet.
So, as regular readers know, I am in Cayman right now. Due to Covid, first time home here in 18 months, so am keen to catch up with lots of people.
I got the ball rolling on this by contacting a load of people over a month ago, then the diary started filling up and I am really enjoying lots and lots of meetups this week and next.
When I told people I was coming over, some responded right away with excitement, others responded on the second or third message, some not at all. Some were keen to book something in right away, others waited then booked something nearer the time.
However, some who I’d love to see simply said: “I’ll see if I can fit it in”, and I’m talking about friends who I hold dear. I’d be lying if I said I don’t take it at least a little hard when people I’d love to see don’t make space in their diary for me when I make my first trip in eighteen months. Of course, sometimes people genuinely can’t make the time, they are too busy. Other times they may have things going on for them and simply need to manage their own energy and minimise meeting people they don’t absolutely have to meet.
Whatever the reasons though, this is a reminder to me to create opportunities then see what happens, and to not push for what I would like to see as it may not be the same for the other person. Ultimately the learning is to “follow the energy“, to create the opportunity and see who is energised, who makes the effort to connect and to meet, and not to push for my own outcome if it is not what they want at that time.
PS perhaps a lesson in there around how people sell. Focus on creating connections first, then see who is energised by that 😉