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How to never have to fire anybody again

by | Aug 28, 2021 | Open Leadership

Highlight is from Allistair McCaw, speaker, author and specialist in leadership and culture, with deep experience around elite athletes and sports teams. Yesterday when he tweeted this, I retweeted it, simply adding: "Exactly the same in a business with a powerful culture." Neve have to fire people again.

The above highlight is from Allistair McCaw, speaker, author and specialist in leadership and culture, with deep experience around elite athletes and sports teams. Yesterday when he tweeted this, I retweeted it, simply adding: “Exactly the same in a business with a powerful culture.”

In businesses truly and deeply committed to leading from Purpose and Values, there is no need for a manager or “boss” to enforce the culture, the business (ie the people within it) spit out those who don’t fit.

I’d go one stage further.

When a business makes that commitment, those who don’t fit leave of their own accord. No more energy, time and resource spent on taking time to remove “bad apples” who don’t want to leave, I have seen again and again that where people don’t fit the culture they leave.

In short, businesses with a strong culture may never have to fire anybody ever again, they will simply leave.

So, one tangible and measurable reason to invest in your culture is to make it easier and less expensive to be rid of jerks, brilliant or otherwise (see a post from three years ago, “Be Rid of Brilliant Jerks“)

However, there are reasons to invest in your culture far more commercially powerful than that.

Consider the era we have been living in for years now, then that it is amplified and accentuated by covid. Now, more than ever before, people are the core of any business. When you invest in and commit to your culture, you will attract those who believe what you believe in, then you can develop them once they join. They will then stay to be part of it, and (again) those who don’t will either not apply to join, or, if already in the business, will leave.