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The most powerful voice in the universe is yours

by | May 22, 2021 | Open Leadership

The most powerful voice in the universe is yours. Don't Be a Can't

The most powerful voice in the universe is yours because the most important words in the universe are yours. Self-talk matters. Choose wisely.

Gregg Parini, Head Swimming Coach & Professor at Denison University

Concise wisdom from Gregg Parini in a tweet this past week.

Perfectly stated, nothing to add, other than to note that, as a leader, our self-talk will inform what we tell others, so when we use negative self-talk, this can impact so many more people than simply ourselves.

I leave you with a thought from a business leader I have always admired, the confident yet always humble Frank Bastow, author of “Dont be a cant: A manual for happiness“. In short, don’t be a cant.. be a can!