I am energized by entrepreneurs.

An obvious statement, perhaps, but so often reminded of it.
This week, for example, I had the guys at S&T Car Wash come to wash my car first thing in the morning. The two young men who own and run the business arrived early for the 7am booking, leapt into action with a smile on their face and, as always, did an amazing job for a great value price.
As I do love to listen to understand a business and the owners, we had a chat as they finished. Two inspiring young entrepreneurs with vision, drive, purpose, commitment, allied to open-ness, humility, curiosity, a hunger to learn and grow.
What an energising way to start my day and I do look forward to talking to them more, and once I have learned more by asking questions and listening, potentially adding some value to them on their entrepreneurial journey!
Meanwhile, if you live anywhere in the broad South London area and want your car looked after, look up S&T!