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What does it mean to be on a 1,289-day streak?

by | Apr 26, 2021 | Open Leadership

1,289-day streak

Yesterday, in “Give yourself time to think“, I wrote about the design of my work, which naturally includes my practice of posting daily on the Insights page of my site.

No sooner had I posted that article than I received the notification above. I then looked at my posting stats and I have written nearly 700,000 words on this site. At an average of about 45 minutes per post, that is around 700 words per hour of writing time, with an average blog length of over 500 words.

So, that is what it means in an analytical sense, but being on a 1,289-day streak means more. Over time, writing daily has simple become intrinsic to who I am, and, as I noted in that post yesterday in a slightly different way, and as I open my Insights page by saying:

People are my library, my daily writing practice inspired by what I learn: ideas, inspiration, wisdom, and sometimes some eclectic whimsy for good measure, all centred around #OpenLeadership

Every conversation I have, everything I watch, listen to, read. Everything can synthesize into an idea, a theme, a topic for my daily writing. Over time, ideas and themes recur, often viewed each time I write about them through a different angle of the prism of life, with different stories to illustrate them. Also, ideas sometimes truly distill down into concise leadership models, some of which you can see highlight in the footer of my site pages, also as highlighted articles on my LinkedIn profile.

Writing daily has brought me so much in these and other ways. It is part of who I am, so it will continue. I hope and trust it provides value to each of you who read my work šŸ™šŸ»