Today sharing a synopsis of a powerful leadership model, “Seven Leadership Archetypes”, which I have evolved over time and share widely with clients and others. I have even put time into developing this into a book, yet, for now, my “why” for writing the book is not yet powerful enough to carry that through, hence sharing today in short form.
Are you a “Sage Warrior”?, or perhaps a “Visionary Magician”?
Whilst we each have roles and energetic styles we are naturally best suited for, we can also shift both to meet the needs of those we lead.
Situationally, most leaders operate in a role in the range of Magician down to Warrior depending on need, occasionally dropping to Politician or even Victim in less empowered moments. As a Leader then, whilst always being conscious of situational needs, also be aware of the value to a team of elevating to Magician, Visionary, or even Sage.
A further element is therefore to recognize that while the role needed may be one level, the energy, approach and style brought to that role may come from a different place. Sometimes the role is not best served with a matching energy (eg Warrior with Warrior can be very energy-sapping for those who follow you!).
As examples:
- Gandhi was Visionary and Sage naturally and in most of what he did, but often he had to lead his followers as Magician and even Warrior, yet he did so with a Sage energy.
- Steve Jobs was often a “Warrior Visionary”, bringing that Warrior Energy to his role as Visionary.
- Satya Nadella, I sense, brings a Sage energy to the needs of Microsoft from his role, whether that be Visionary, or sometimes Magician or Steward.
closing note: deep acknowledgement to my late friend and mentor Ed Percival for developing this model. My evolution is in bringing further awareness to the opportunity for leaders to apply combinations of roles and energies to meet the needs of their organisation and those they follow.