We have a real role in helping our clients along their way, because they do have dreams. They have dreams to grow and build.

The model above is core to my thinking on #OpenLeadership, on the type of brave and confident, yet also honest, humble, and curious leadership that I strongly believe is what we need in businesses and organizations in the world we live in now, and that this will be linked to companies being driven first from Purpose, not from Profit. For more, visit the article linked under the image.
Now, as I’ve shared my thoughts on this “new triple bottom line” of Purpose+People+Planet with people, I’ve often heard two linked responses, which go like this: “Well, that is all well and good for small businesses, but the large ones will always only care about profits for shareholders.”
In response to this, I’ve been collecting examples of larger companies that have a strong focus on Purpose (and then, with that “North Star” to guide them, leading from values) who have thrived specifically because they have chosen that direction for their business.
Recently I was inspired by the CEO of one such company who, in one thirty-minute #WhatComesNextLive interview, gave a masterclass in #OpenLeadership, as well as outlining how a focus on Purpose and Values not only helped their business thrive through 2020, but also has them excited and with firm foundations for whatever comes in 2021 and beyond.
People helping people achieve their dreams―it is our mission. It is why we exist as a firm.
BDO Canada
On Feb 2nd 2021, it was my pleasure to have Pat Kramer on WhatComesNextLive, truly an amazing, invigorating and inspiring story of a business of over 4,000 motivated professionals across Canada. As Pat closed out his thoughts after thirty minutes, he summarised the power of Purpose:
Our mission is “People helping People achieve their dreams”
That’s our mission, that’s our core purpose, that binds us together, and my belief is that we do this every day, because we have clients that need us for all sorts of reasons and the pandemic showed this in spades.
We have a real role in helping our clients along their way, because they do have dreams. They have dreams to grow, to build, to be part of the community, to give to others, all sorts of things, and we are a key part of that.
Recognizing that we are almost their first person they would always call on at times of need, you know that’s an important role, that’s a big big thing, I believe that to my bones, it’s fundamental to who we are as an organisation but also how we work with our people.
We have a role to help our People achieve their dreams, to grow, to develop, to learn to be the kind of person they want to be. We have a real role with that.
It’s been fundamental for us along the way that when you have a strong core purpose or a mission in your organisation, it binds your group together so that when challenges like the pandemic occur (hopefully these things don’t happen, but when things happen, that is fundamental to who who we are as an organisation, because we do make a huge difference to so many people and that creates meaning and that creates purpose for them especially during these times of need.
Pat Kramer’s closing thoughts from 29:54 on WhatComesNextLive, Feb 2nd 2021
I am sure you can agree with me from this (and I hope you do listen to the full interview) that BDO Canada are an example of a business that absolutely leads from Purpose and Values and, from that foundation, thrives!