Earlier this year I read a post using Carlos Santana as a role model. He said: “I want to teach because I love watching humans unfold their wings”.

I want to teach because I love watching humans unfold their wings.
Carlos Santana
Earlier this year I read a post on Wisdom Well called “Carlos in the Background“, as post about helping others develop leaders to grow and flourish, using Carlos Santana as a role model. I hadn’t share from that post yet and now I realise why, it was rational, but did not speak to me beyond my mind. However, recently comedian and actor Omid Djalili shared the video below on twitter and it immediately spoke to me heart and soul, beginning with that line: “I want to teach because I love watching humans unfold their wings”. Wow, Carlos Santana, what a purpose you have.
Now, back to that Wisdom Well post, which noted:
{Carlos} freely collaborates with younger musicians and helps them launch their careers by adding his name, experience, and mesmerizing guitar work to their projects.
His generosity is often the “Midas touch” that turns a younger artist’s album to gold.
Although Carlos has the skills, reputation, and drawing power to pull rank on anyone in his band, he doesn’t. Instead, he plays with the band and lets others have the spotlight and be up front.
Because of his humble style of leadership, this superstar has helped launch dozens of talented younger musicians who might otherwise remain unknown. Without his generous spirit, their artistic contributions may have gone undeveloped and unappreciated.
Although clearly in a position to retire and relax from years of hard work, Carlos remains active. After selling over 100 million albums, he could demand to always play lead and control the band. But he finds joy in putting others at the front of the stage.
John D. Anderson, writing on Wisdom Well
When a leader chooses to subsume their ego in service of others, then that is #OpenLeadership.
Now, do take two minutes to feel what Carlos teaches, from his heart, from his purpose…oh. and below that a link to one of his greatest mentorship collaborations, on “Smooth” with Rob Thomas