Celebrating the positive leadership of Dani Coleman, Director, Hazard Management Cayman Islands.

What is the secret to being one of the leaders of a 70+ person, cross-agency National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) that is activated for 104 days straights across multiple national disaster risk overlapping. The answer, apart from be positive, is simply this. Be like Dani Coleman.
I am privileged to be able to call Dani a dear friend. As a Caymanian, I am also immensely proud of her and her positive leadership in this year of years in particular!
Before I say more about Dani, let’s go back to that idea of 104 days of a NEOC and overlapping disaster risks. Yes, as if Covid wasn’t enough for Cayman, at the beginning of the year they had the highest number earthquake they’d ever had, plus aftershocks that lasted for several weeks, then multiple major fires.
Oh, then Covid, which Cayman was truly world class at addressing in every single way. Books will be written on their mastery of this at so many levels ! Yes Cayman, blow your own trumpet!
Anyway, by the time Hurricane Season came around in June, Cayman had Covid largely controlled, yet we then saw the most active Hurricane season on record, with multiple storm warnings. As to overlapping risks, how exactly do you go about opening storm shelters with social distancing etc? Hmm
Anyway, today I ask you to take thirty minutes to simply absorb what you can from the positive leadership style of Dani Coleman, who I talked to on this week’s #WhatComesNextLive
You will hear so many lessons from Dani, but in addition to that, please simply absorb how she is, how she shows up. You will hear me begin down a path of asking her for specifics, for details, but then I recognised that this is not the point. Yes, of course she has that information, but the key to who she is and who she has always been in her ebullient, positive, get things done energy.
So now, please follow this link. I recommend you watch Dani on YouTube, else you can listen to via any of the usual podcast links, where you can also subscribe and listen to a new show every week.