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Together on the journey

by | Nov 24, 2020 | Open Leadership

Together on the journey

Last week my new site was relaunched, thanks to Maitland Telke for his Brand brilliance and Martha Rowe for the effortless she takes design to reality (and tolerates my perfectionist streak!)

Beyond hosting WhatComesNextLive (Live) and my daily posts (Insights) the home page is intended to give potential clients a sense of what it is like to work with me.

Now, whilst this is expressed in words on the page, I also love Maitland’s sense of visual expression. In particular, I love this image that Maitland chose to represent the journey that we go on together. I also love that you have to look at the image quite closely to see a) that they are actually snowshoeing, and b) they are not holding hands aloft in celebration of a moment!

As I put in words over that image on the home page: “MakingPotentialPossible is Tom’s purpose, he lives to support clients on that journey.”

My dear friend and mentor Suki Smith taught me that goosebumps are your body’s way of telling you that you are aligned to your purpose. Reading those words and, more than anything, looking at that picture, give me goosebumps. I love the work I do, it is indeed what I live for. Such gratitude for that, and also for Suki for helping me land on #MakingPotentialPossible some nine years ago.

I love to be together with my clients on their journey.

That then brings forward a thought for you. My site is all about “What’s Next” for those who wish Authentic Insights then to Leverage Bravery to have Meaningful Impact. Part of this for you may be to take a look at “Who are you?” and, within that, to take time to be truly clear on what gives you goosebumps. I’ve just been focussing on that with some newer clients over recent months as we begin our journey together and it is among the most powerful work.

I wish you goosebumps.