It’s only now that I’ve been nudged to delve more deeply into the meaning of the word ‘business’ from a Chinese cultural viewpoint and the insights gained from my practise.

{Guest post today from Sam Duong, entrepreneur and a dear friend, inspired by one of our many conversations around languages, cultures, meanings}
Shēng Yi 生意
Literally ‘life idea’ or ‘birth idea/thought’
To bring an idea to life is literally the word for business in Chinese.
There are two components in this word
生 Shēng. Is life, birth
意 Yi. Is thought, idea, intent, purpose
I’ve been learning and experiencing the Art and Science of Business for a generation now. Also with the practise of internal and external martial arts and an arm or two of Yoga.
It’s only now that I’ve been nudged to delve more deeply into the meaning of the word ‘business’ from a Chinese cultural viewpoint and the insights gained from my practise.
To do business changes and shapes the world.
One of the most powerful human abilities is to create a new idea. Ideas change the world.
Every so often, a great idea transforms human existence. From the concept of zero in Mathematics to belief in a school of thought like for example, evolution. With these leaps in imagination, our eyes are opened to see the world in different way that deepens our understanding of not only our place within in it, but also who we are and where we fit.
So literally to create an idea and run with it is to do business. My friend and mentor Tom equates entrepreneurship with business.
So in the spirit of these times, the ability to generate ideas is to take part in entrepreneurship. To do so with right purpose and intent is a powerful way to create value.
It is said that our thoughts not only shape who we are but also the world around us. Our intent leads and guides our energy, our capacity to do work. To give life to this is a wonderful ability. To give life is to experience change, to embrace change is a hallmark of an entrepreneur.
These concepts together give meaning to ‘Shēng Yi’ – business.