Only love can drive out hate

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
This morning I wake up to the US Election news. Whatever the final result my heart sinks to be reminded that around half of that country voted for a man who is clearly driven by hate.
Millions have cast their vote to say that white lives matter more, that male lives matter more, that straight lives matter more.
So many millions voted for a man who believes that so many of my family and friends are worth less, believes in the opposite of the US constitution’s statement that all are created equal.
So, I am looking for succour right now, and what comes to me is that there is only one force stronger than hate, and it is love.
America and much of the world is in a deep and dark place, driven by self-interest over community, by hate over love.
This is a lifelong journey, let us replenish however we need to then start again on the path.
In closing, this week Tracy Chapman gave her first live performance in three years. I first heard “Talking ’bout a revolution” well over thirty years ago. On days like today, it is easy to feel that progress is hopeless, but we always have hope.