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Positive Uncertainty

by | Oct 22, 2020 | Beautiful Leadership, Open Leadership

Positive Uncertainty
Image from the VUCA2.0 blog of Gideon Chen Zhiyuan

We live in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous, as originated from the United States War College). The Leadership we need is VUCA2.0, with Vision. Understanding, Courage and Adaptability. (Bill George and his article here).

This week’s #WhatComesNextLive show featured Ben Brabyn, a past Royal Marines officer (who therefore knows all about VUCA!) and the driving force behind GenieShares.

In our conversation, Ben and I talked about GenieShares, about Uncertainty and Risk (and the difference between them), then about how the element of randomness in the gifting of 1% of the equity in GenieShares companies introduces something that I had never heard framed the way he did:

Positive Uncertainty

The positive energy behind Genieshares is wonderful and all positive. I loved the term Ben used, I sense that in the coming months we can all benefit from some “Positive Uncertainty”, so let’s think about ways we can contribute to that!