Disappointment = Expectation – Reality: the disappointments many are facing in this pandemic as our reality doesn’t match up to our expectation.

Many years ago, as a young Accountant taking up a new job, the chief executive guided me to, in my forecasting, to be careful to:
“Avoid turning wishes into projections”
This was one of the most important business lessons I was every taught, and one I have shared widely over the years.
Now, this week my friend Chip Conley wrote a blog based on one of his Emotional Equations (for more, see this post):
Disappointment = Expectations – Reality
In his blog, Chip writes brilliantly (as always) around the disappointments so many are facing in this pandemic life as our reality doesn’t match up to our expectation. He then writes:
To tame your disappointment, you need to distinguish between Expectation and Hope.
The image above is his “cheat sheet”. I encourage you to consider that table, to read the full blog, then to consider subscribing to Chip’s own daily blog, Wisdom Well.