Understand what you need.
Yesterday at 4 pm UK time (8 am on the West Coast), as we have done every week since returning from the Modern Elder Academy in April 2018, our cohort from that week met for a “Zoom circle”.
4pm. Every Tuesday. For an hour. A circle simply for each person to share and for everyone to silently sit, to listen, to be present. The circle has met every single week. Yes, each of us misses a week or two from time to time, but the circle has always met each week.
In those two years we have spread out to people living and moving all over the USA, as well as London and Geneva. We have attended a wedding, gone on holidays together, attended events, visited each other in our homes. All in all, the circle itself has been a rich experience beyond our initial shared experience of a week together at Modern Elder Academy in Baja.
In fact, to accentuate that point, only a few months in to our weekly circle calls, another Modern Elder alumnus from a different cohort asked to join our circle as his cohort no longer met regularly. In the two years plus of our circle they are very much integrated and equal, even though most of us have never met them in person.
So, yesterday as we met, and as we began (as we always do) with a brief guided meditation, I had a strong and simple feeling.
This is something I need.
I understand this is something I need and want in my life and feel blessed to have these 11 other souls connected to me in this way.
So, my advice to you today is very simple.
Understand what you need.