If you are ready to make changes, it is key to design, build and implement your strategy for and beyond the “window for change”.

Last week I wrote: “the window for change is closing“, recommending:
“If you can see radical changes you want to make, make them now, soon.”
Now, if you are ready to make changes, you also see it is key to design, build and implement your strategy for and beyond the “window for change” we are now within.
One example of this is to take this time to completely (yet rapidly and smoothly) re-assess your brand and market positioning. So many businesses have opportunities to embrace new market opportunities and brand positioning is paramount in this!
I do recommend that you move quickly in this “window for change” though, and, as part of your commitment in time and resources to build that strategy and to ensure it is not simply “good”, but “elite”, do as to athletes do and invest in a coach, specifically a specialist Business Strategy Coach.
What is a specialist Business Strategy Coach and how do I find one?
As I wrote at length last year, “Business Strategy Coaching” is a specialist field, with only a few people out there with the combination of commercial and coaching experience necessary to help you quickly and effectively build that elite strategy.
I’m often hesitant to directly recommend myself, but this is work I love and I know I can help the right leaders and businesses right now, so here I am today recommending you talk to me if you are ready to bring someone in to help you make sure your strategy is elite.
The majority of my client work is on retainers with leaders. However, I also love defined project Business Strategy Coaching retainers.
I’m also energised by the opportunities I see for businesses of all sizes as we emerge from lockdown and look to the future.
Fortune favours the brave seeking to embrace transformative change. If you feel that is you and you are ready to also consider investing in a specialist to take you and your strategy from great to elite, let’s start that conversation.
Let’s talk
Book your 30-minute meeting here.