At this time of crisis and division among people, a Sunday morning is often a time where I reach to great thinkers for wisdom that both makes me think and reminds me to have hope.
As I have written about before, the book that has means the most to me is: “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl, a book I have written of numerous times on this blog, including this post.
Today I share a piece of timeless wisdom that leapt of the page for me, one that truly resonates for me in these times.
Every Sunday morning Maria Popova sends out her weekly “Brainpickings” newsletter (please do donate if you like it), This Sunday morning I am curating one for you, more from Viktor Frankl, and, as always with Maria, related thinkers and thinking. As she notes: “11 months after his release from the concentration camps, Viktor Frankl gave a set of lectures on moving beyond optimism and pessimism to find life’s deepest source of meaning. They were lost for decades, never before published in English – until now”
The blog post is entitled :
Yes to Life, in Spite of Everything: Viktor Frankl’s Lost Lectures on Moving Beyond Optimism and Pessimism to Find the Deepest Source of Meaning
Within it is this gem of a quote from Frankl, one that is timeless and feels particularly resonant at this time of crisis and division.
Everything depends on the individual human being, regardless of how small a number of like-minded people there are, and everything depends on each person, through action and not mere words, creatively making the meaning of life a reality in his or her own being.
Viktor Frankl
Wishing you a thoughtful Sunday, then, once you have moved through thinking, may you make your choice as to where take action then do it.
Sometimes it will feel uncomfortable, sometimes brave, yet you will know what you will do based on what gives your life meaning, just as Frankl taught.