I encourage you, as a leader, to focus on “what comes next?”, in looking towards the Future.

Yesterday was one of my more esoteric posts: “Musings on Time“. Perhaps serendipitously, no sooner had I posted it than I had a truly inspiring and energising initial conversation with a business leader who, in the time and space created during the lockdown, has:
- First, reviewed their decades of Past life and business experience;
- Second, from that, been as clear and objective as they can about where they and their business are in the Present;
- Third, look towards the Future.
Why, in particular, did that call feel inspiring and energising? Well, it is about where that leader is anchored to in terms of “time”.
Looking towards the future
Though this leader had taken much of the space afforded by the lockdown to review the past in some detail, by the time we spoke they were very much “in the present” and looking towards the future.
As a “recovering Chartered Accountant”, I’m very grounded in empirical and foundational historical and objective numbers and evidence when working with clients. From that place, I then am present to, with and for my clients and then love to support them in my preferred space, looking at opportunities for them and those they lead, looking into the future.
So, as you can imagine, to talk to someone who had done that “grounding” work and was now ready to look to “What Comes Next?” felt energising!
As I wrote some time ago, “We are the sum total of our experiences“. I truly do anchor on that truth. At the same time, though we are here, now, in the present, and those we lead expect of us that we look towards the future.
What Comes Next – for you?
Where are you right now? In the Past or in the Present? If truly in the Present, are you focussed on “now”? I encourage you, as a leader, to focus on “what comes next?”, in looking towards the Future.
You may feel you have too much to do right now to look to the future. To take one simple action to change that, take a moment to set up a call with me and let’s look towards the future together.
Let’s talk
Book your 30-minute meeting here.