Today’s post is inspired by a great conversation with the Piratical Alex Barker (I really look forward to her new book in September) around leading at the edges of the map, and follows yesterday’s post advising you to: “Pay someone to put their feet up“.
As someone commonly paid by clients to “put my feet up” and then help them see towards the edges of the map of their possibilities (and sometimes perhaps even beyond the map to uncharted territories), today collating a few past posts with ideas and tools that may support you in this way of thinking.
What if we aim too low? The Icarus legend is taught in modern times about aiming too high, but the origins of the legend also warn us not to aim too low.
Don’t mistake your comfort zone for safety, your Comfort Zone is no longer safe..wait, what ?
Ipcha Mistabra – “On the contrary, it appears that”. Appoint someone to deliberately take the opposite view to the group, then give that person unfettered access to information and resources to pursue it.
And, as a word of caution to not race ahead of your people, have someone responsible to hold you accountable to never being: “more than one hilltop ahead“!