Innovation is simply doing different things and doing things differently.

Two streets away from me is a small bakery business that sells cookies and cakes directly to local area cafés and restaurants. Now, with those all closed, they have turned to local sales and “leave at the door” delivery.
I’m one of their grateful customers and, in talking to the owner, they have been amazed, they are busier than ever. It had never occurred to them to sell online for retail delivery. This cost them almost nothing to do (they already had an online store) and they are now maxed out with sales.
“Innovation is simply doing different things and doing things differently”
me 🙂
We often confuse innovation with technology, and, further, with it being expensive and complicated. Not at all. It can be as simple as the example from the local bakery.
Leon Trotsky, in the aftermath of the Russian revolution in 1917, famously said: “War is the locomotive of history”. Well, in recent weeks alone we have seen countless innovations. Every single person, business, government all around the world have had to look to “do different things and do things differently.
So, what opportunities to innovate will there be now and into the future for you and those you lead?
Innovation needs an Entrepreneurial Mindset
First, you must see an opportunity to innovate, however this is not enough.
You must then be ready, willing and able to take the leap and fill the entrepreneurial gap. You need the drive and risk tolerance of an entrepreneur to take an opening, not only at a time of crisis (when everyone is forced to innovate) but as a natural state of being.
Entrepreneurs have a different mindset. They see investments rather than costs, opportunities rather than challenges. They have a growth mindset and always willing to stretch themselves.
As we emerge from the current lockdown, there will be decades worth of opportunities to innovate opening up in a matter of week and months. As an entrepreneur myself, I am truly excited at many levels, from business opportunities for my clients through to, at the highest levels, opportunities to reform democracy, economics and society! (all of which are deep personal interest areas!)
Now, many are focussed at the current time on “what comes now, then what comes next“, with a narrow focus on the present and the next few weeks. This is understandable and, in fact, the crisis leadership advice I have been giving over the last month.
Those who know me, however, know that my natural time horizon is longer-term, seeking out the big, brave, transformative opportunities and supporting the leaders willing to grasp them!
Talk to me about innovation, opportunity and entrepreneurship
I am continuing to give much of my time through this period to supporting people through the short term response and doing this by opening up my diary for free 30-minute zoom meetings.
I am open to supporting with such calls in any way, simply noting that, if you are ready to, I’d love to talk about opportunities for you to innovate and invest in yourself and for those that you lead!
Let’s talk
Book your 30-minute meeting here.