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by | Apr 11, 2020 | Energy, Open Leadership, Response-ability

Pausing to do a jigsaw puzzle on Easter weekend.

A four day weekend for Easter here in the UK.

Though it is easy to allow the days to blend into one another in lockdown, I’m consciously pausing this weekend.

Yesterday in: “What can you do to help?” I told the story of picking up a Jigsaw puzzle left outside their house by a kindly neighbour for a random person (me, it turned out) to pickup.

So far I spend four hours straight on it and about one quarter completed. A great way to “decompress” for me after about four weeks straight of an average of about eight online meetings per day. Suffice to say I needed something this weekend that keeps my focus without using my brain!

Now, theme of “pause” goes beyond the personal. Tomorrow I’ll look more at that.