I developed the model above from my belief that businesses that put Purpose, People and Planet first can and do thrive. They then make a Profit as an outcome of living their Purpose, which is not at all the same as putting Profit as their primary driver.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
I shared this quote about two weeks ago (feels like a long time right now!) in: “Create your future story now“. Over recent weeks we have seen businesses around the world respond to the crisis in different ways. Some have acted in ways that many find reprehensible, while many have been #DoingTheRightThing. So many stories every day, linking out to just a few here, here, here, here and here.
I believe that, when all this passes, we will remember those who are now #DoingTheRightThing and they will be rewarded with our loyalty to them through where we choose to spend our money, just as those who have done the opposite will see the opposite.
Now, in closing, these daily posts of mine are focussed on leadership, behaviour, communications. Please do also note though, that as a Chartered Accountant who spent many years with a focus on the numbers, I am also listening to and advising many businesses on often very tough choices they must make to ensure their business survives now so as to thrive later.
Sometimes this has to mean cutting back, laying loyal employees off, even closing down (for now) temporarily. My advice is always to “know your numbers” to be pragmatic, to do what is necessary, but also to do what you have to do with grace, with care, with humanity. People will always remember how you made them feel.