Next time you’re afraid to share an idea…remember someone once said in a meeting “let’s make a film with a tornado full of sharks”
In the USA Discovery Channel has a “Shark Week” once a year where they put on nature programmes about Sharks, you guessed it, for a week. A surprising hit, so a few years ago, alongside this programming, SYFY channel started putting on “Sharknado week”.
My sons told me about it and that they would be binge-watching Sharknado movies (yes, there are many). When I asked: “Eh??”, they replied, with a condescending tone AND body language: “Dad! Sharks, Tornados. So bad it is brilliant!”.
So, next time you have an idea, be brave, share it. As a teaser for next week’s newsletter (sign up here), don’t be Kodak and fail to launch a product for 18 years after you invented it, a product that ultimately drove you to bankruptcy due to your inaction.