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Presence in the water

by | Jul 6, 2019 | Energy, Open Leadership, Self-Knowledge

Presence in the water

Treading water in the Caribbean sea.

Nowhere to be, nothing to do.

First time I’ve done that in a long time. Realised in the moment that I wouldn’t take time to do it again for quite some time.

Chose to simply be absolutely present in that moment.

No idea how long I was out there, possibly ten minutes, maybe half an hour.

Something extraordinary about being truly present.

Now, when we are with someone else, how often are we truly present? When we can be absolutely and totally there, present to and for them, others do tend to experience that as a gift.

What an extraordinary world of speed and busy-ness we live in where the simple act of being present is so rare that we consider it a gift when someone else gives that to us.