Having and stimulating your Growth mindset is key for leaders, and so investing time to read widely as well as deeply is one way to give focus to this. With that in mind, each Saturday I post “Writing I Love”. Sometimes a business book, sometimes a leadership quote, often something more esoteric, such as a poem, novel, song lyric.
The opening of these weekly “Writing I love” posts reference references a key book for leaders, yet I have not specifically featured it yet in these weekly columns.
Now, I did write “Smashing Paradigms – Growth Mindset and Pole Vaulting” a few months back and that also links to an RSA Animate video about Growth Mindset, so I do encourage you to read that post and watch the video.
My writing here is all around #OpenLeadership, and key attributes of leaders for the world we live in now and the world to come include self-knowledge, humility, collaboration, vulnerability.
Other words that come to mind include curiosity, “beginner’s mind”, passion, open-ness.
The key to Dr. Dweck’s work is for us to understand that in some areas of our thinking all of us have a “fixed mindset”, whereas in others we have a “growth mindset”.
Yes, some of us tend to have more of a growth mindset than others, and at the same time awareness of the power of adopting ever more of a growth mindset is open to all of us at any time of our lives.
Enough from me here, read the book if you are curious 🙂