Sometimes I “face the blank page” as a writer, yet inspiration always comes and this site now has over 200 daily posts and I am only building more momentum.
I love this meme and was reminded of it recently when a huge guy (at least 350lbs and 6 feet tall) sat down next to me on an overnight flight from Dallas to London. He is an engineer and was on his way to Hungary to work on a project. Texas drawl, baseball cap.. and a Batman t-shirt.
Another internet meme (and no, Mark Twain did not coin it) is :
“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”
Authenticity and integrity to create and build trust as a leader, and a key to that is self-knowledge and then a relentless and consistent focus on self-awareness and a continued journey to a deeper knowledge of self.
As Ed Percival always taught, his 50+ years of coaching he distilled down to :
That said, given the choice between being the highest and truest version of Tom and being Batman? Tough call.
Hmm.. and if not Batman? Lloyd Dobler? Hell yeah!