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Change your environment, change your outcomes

by | Apr 19, 2018 | Modern Elder, Open Leadership


Nice view, wouldn’t you say ?

How about this eight second video to give you a fuller sense, including the sound of the surf on the beach.

This stunning location is where this week I have had the awesome privilege to be part of the beta test of the Modern Elder Academy, the brainchild of Chip Conley, who regular readers know is a leader who truly inspires me.

Chip and the team have created an amazing environment designed at all levels to create a space for transformative change for participants.

The home page of this site talks about elevating, about seeing our potential and bravely creating and achieving brave and transformative change.

This week, through the programme, the facilitators, the “compadres” in the cohort supporting each other, I have again and again been witness to profound and powerful changes in participants that will see them go back to their lives and make even deeper impact for themselves and others.

I am a participant this week too, and this has absolutely applied to me too, and I am so grateful to Chip and absolutely everyone here for that too !

So, back to environment, which is one element to the secret sauce of the “MEA” experience.

The physical environment is the start, it is absolutely stunning and world class. The next layer is a cohort aligned around the powerful message and vision in the book Wisdom at Work. Cohort members in the beta read an advanced version of the book, you can buy your copy now as a pre-order (published September 2018). Also, stay tuned to this site for more news on when the Modern Elder Academy opens applications to the public for education programmes in the autumn and winter of 2018.

wisdom ar work

Beyond the physical environment, the cohort themed around the Modern Elder book (and the movement this will create), the curriculum has been patiently fine tuned over the five month long beta test by the amazing faculty, However, beyond ALL of that, I wont give away specifics, but the Culture of the MEA is astonishing and truly abundant in being of service to participants and a broader and expansive vision for humanity.

In such a carefully and lovingly created environment, I and the other cohort members have all had incredible experiences, and again I am deeply grateful.

Change your environment, change your outcomes.

Please consider what changes you can make in your own environment to change your own outcomes.

You may not go to Baja, but a few ideas :

  • Who do you spend time with ? Be around a tribe that inspire you to aspire to more
  • Are you happy with your work environment ? If not, what can you do to change that ? Do you need to develop where you are to create change or perhaps have the bravery to leave and go to your next challenge ?
  • What about your physical body ? Happy with your energy, your shape ? strength ? resilience ? All too often we ignore that and it impacts our performance ? How intentional are you around what you eat, your exercise, sleep ?

So much more you can consider, these are a start for you.