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Who are the purpose-driven leaders?

by | Jan 22, 2018 | Open Leadership

In my last post, I asked you to consider, from the inspiration of Dr King, what is your “I have a dream”.

In support of that thought process, today a few examples of purpose-driven leaders for you to consider.

I have in the past and could have written about world-famous leaders like Dr King, Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg and many more.

Today, though, I choose to make this more personal, and, for you, perhaps more of a feeling of it being in reach.

My own purpose is simple, To Inspire, and as I seek to inspire, so I am inspired, in a virtuous circle. These three remarkable leaders have all deeply inspired me in my life. Each are purpose-driven leaders, and that powerful sense of purpose has, to quote Steve Jobs, made a dent in the universe!

One has sadly left us, the other two are just getting going and I am so excited to see what will come for the world from their leadership!


Carrie has been highly successful in business and other spheres, including her accelerator for purpose-lead businesses, 50th Generation, which has already been through multiple generations in more than one country.

She is currently a PhD candidate at Cambridge University. I love that she is taking that time to invest in that passion and I am so excited to see what her next act will be in this play we call life!

This from her website, then her TEDx talk from Cayman in 2014. One of the most powerful “goosebumps” moments ever for me was when she rehearsed her speech by presenting it to me 1:1 the evening before. To be a witness to that purpose not only in the TED theatre on the day but the night before with such focussed energy. I will always remember that, thank you Carrie.

From Carrie’s site :

I believe:

Business doesn’t serve as humans – it should and it can.

Putting paying customers and profitable innovation at the heart of solving the world’s biggest problems will have more impact than charity or grants.

Purpose is the SOURCE of future profit, not a trade-off against it.

The only ‘REAL’ is a person. Only a person can create value.

Purpose-led businesses should be run as the lean, profitable machines they deserve to be.

Entrepreneurship is the new international aid.

Carrie’s TEDx talk :



I met Eric in 2013 when he enthusiastically was one of the first people to sign up for the Leadership Growth Programme instigated through Shirlaws Cayman.

At the time, Eric was already the Chief Office of the largest Ministry within the Cayman Islands government and still only in his mid-30s.

I share the brief promo video below simply so you can experience a little of Eric and that he felt this brought him and his organisation clarity of purpose.

Eric’s purpose is simply stated and powerful :

Making Cayman Better

Fast forward five years and Eric and I both now find ourselves living in London rather than Cayman. Eric is now the Cayman Islands Representative to the UK and, as a Caymanian, I am so happy he is in that role at a critical time for both the UK and Cayman and I am at least equally happy to call him my good friend.

Everything he does is driven by his purpose and people readily follow him. This was never more clearly illustrated to me that with another goosebumps moment. In spring 2016 Eric gave me the privilege of facilitating a half day for his team in Cayman before he left for his role in the UK. It was a very powerful morning and I know that Eric would walk over hot coals for anybody in that team, as they would for him. Oh, and if Eric asked me to jump, I’d simply say “how high ?” and go for it!



I will always remember the first conversation I had with Ed, at a Shirlaws conference in 2012. I’d joined Shirlaws some time before, but not spoken with him. I was in awe of Ed and perhaps a little scared to talk to him.

Then, one day, at a workshop discussion, my boundless energy got the better of me and I cut across something he was saying to the group at our table and shut down his suggestion. A few minutes later, at a break, I spoke to him, apologised, and promised to dial back my energy in future.

Ed stepped right up to me in his full 6’4″ presence, and told me “don’t you EVER dim your light! the world needs you and all that you are !”

Goosebumps, again!

From that point on, Ed and I became close and he was my guide, my mentor, my Yoda.

I, along with hundreds, perhaps thousands of people that he had made feel similarly, was devastated when he died suddenly on June 25, 2015.

Ed’s purpose statement was simply put:

Be More You

In early July 2015, several hundred people gathered to celebrate Ed’s life. I was privileged to be there and speak of my love and respect for Ed, as well as representing the Cayman community he had touched in his frequent visits, who also held their own gathering that day.

Today I share with you a link to a piece written right after that day by another person who had their life transformed by the leadership of Ed, Roger Philby :

My hero, Ed Percival“.

Heck, every time I read Roger’s piece I burst into tears. That is what Ed still means to me. Thank you Roger, Thank you, Ed! So much of what Roger, I and hundreds of others bring to the world is of more impact because of Ed.

Be More You.

RIP Yoda
